Friday, June 19, 2020

Tips to pass Security+ exam successfully

One key to passing the certification exam is to know as much as possible about the rules and policies, so you’re not surprised on exam day.

Review test policies ahead of time. What if exam day is approaching and you don’t feel ready yet? Well, you can reschedule or cancel any time until 24 hours before the exam. You should also know that test takers are not allowed to use electronic devices, including laptops, smartphones or smartwatches, during the exam for any CompTIA certifications. Follow this link to get more information on the test policies. Get familiar with them before you go to the exam, so you can stay focused on what’s important and not worry about little things.

Use the right strategies during the test. Here are useful tips on the approach to answering the test questions:

Skip questions you are not confident in. Since the test is timed, if you are not sure about the correct answer to a question, don’t waste too much time on it. Instead, click the “Flag for review” option and come back to it later.

Read the test questions carefully. Pay extra attention to capitalized words like “BEST,” “MOST” and “LEAST.” If several answers might seem correct, you need to choose the one that corresponds to the capitalized word.

Be prepared for performance-based questions. To answer performance-based questions (PBQs), you need to perform a task or solve a problem in a simulated environment. These are more complex than other standard questions and often take more time to solve. They appear at the beginning of the test, but you will not see the clock that shows the time remaining while you are working on PBQs. If you are not confident about your answer, flag it for review and return to it later.
More Info: comptia server+ salary

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