Monday, November 30, 2020

AWS own suite of security tools

While AWS has their own suite of security tools, Kali Linux is effectively a must-have for infosec pros. It comes baked-in with the tools for pen-testing and security audits. If your studies are security-focused, AWS + Kali may prove to be a quick way to hit the ground running.
Red Hat

Plenty of enterprises trust Red Hat and run their workloads on RHEL. Under the hood, RHEL and CentOS are mostly the same, but there are a few differences here and there. If you want to get the true RHEL experience, it’s possible to run RHEL on the AWS free tier.

SUSE fits into many of the same use cases as Red Hat with a few differences. One of the most notable is SUSE’s use of YaST out of the box. Whether you should pick Red Hat or SUSE probably comes down to the fields you’d like to work in or cert you are studying for.

MOre Info: what jobs can you get with an a+ certification

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