Integration, On the surface, integration hardly even seems like a trend. It’s simply something that gets done in order to make all the pieces work. But that’s exactly the shift that’s taking place—rather than integration being an afterthought, it is gaining critical importance as a company’s digital footprint is expanding. Businesses are building multi-cloud architectures and digitizing more processes than ever before, which leads to a wide array of solutions from a wide array of vendors. Without prioritizing integration, this variety of tools will actually have a negative effect on productivity. The skills needed for integration include not only the technical know-how for tying everything together but also the behavioral knowledge needed to create efficient workflow.
AutomationThe ultimate goal for efficient workflow is automation. After all the pieces have been connected, there is the potential to automate routine process steps and allow the workforce to focus on more innovative tasks. Like integration, automation has been around for a long time. However, the current tools for automation are dramatically different than they were even a few years ago. Using cloud systems as a foundation opens the doors for tools tied to cloud platforms. Artificial intelligence and robotic process automation offer tremendous power to IT professionals. And smart contracts of the future may use blockchain to further drive automated procedures. Automation is not a single product or project; it’s the combination of several technologies and disciplines.
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