Friday, March 6, 2020

What happens if you get DDoS attacked?

DDoS attacks cost small businesses who’ve suffered a hit an average of $52,000, according to cybersecurity and anti-virus provider Kaspersky Labs. However, given the range of diversity involved in manufacturing, with various processes and levels of automation, a cybersecurity attack may have the potential to be even more costly.

Indications that your manufacturing operation may be experiencing a DDoS attack include:
Lots of spam
A large number of customer inquiries from abnormal channels
Very slow page-load times
Transaction failures
Complete disruption of internet service

Small scale hackers who don’t have access to botnets, have to rely on their own computers. This means using specialized tools, that can direct Internet traffic to a certain target.

Of course, the amount of traffic an individual computer can send is small, but crowdsource a few hundreds or thousands of users, and things suddenly grow in scope.

This particular tactic has been successfully employed by Anonymous. In short, they send a call to their followers, asking them to download a particular tool, and be active on messaging boards, such as IRC, at a particular time. They then simultaneously attack the target website or service, bringing it down.

A DDoS attack can affect manufacturers in several ways. First, it can restrict access to your site, forcing customers to turn to your competitors. Second, a DDoS attack can make it difficult for you to access business tools that you need to do your job, such as email or RFx hosting. Finally, a successful DDoS attack can compromise your IoT devices.

More Info: ddos server attack


  1. DDoS implies, Indian Clothes that assaults originate from various endpoints/gadgets (and as a rule from various nations). Biggest realized assaults incorporate a huge number of contaminated PCs. Quite a while back, such conduct made it practically outlandish for firewalls and IDS/IPS gadgets to identify and hinder these assaults.

  2. DDOS represents Distributed Denial of Service. This is the point at which a botnet of PCs, controlled for the most part by a solitary programmer, transfer a lot of parcels, budget web Dubai or information, to the server, making it fundamentally over-burden, and slacking, or, as a rule, smashing it.
