Tuesday, October 1, 2019


The spread of the Internet and mobile telephony has caused a rapid increase in the amount of data that is sent and received by devices. In order for the transfer to take place smoothly, adequate infrastructure is needed, which is why the market sector dealing with it is undergoing dynamic changes, and one of the largest enterprises dealing with terrestrial radio and television infrastructure has quite large development plans.

We are talking about EmiTel, which was taken over by the American Alinda Capital Partners fund. The company is currently focusing on developing services based on Ethernet and IP technologies. This sector includes virtual private networks (VPN), providing private and business users with access to the Internet and Digital Signage. The latter service is often called "digital exit from home". It includes an integrated form of system management, which includes electronic displays presenting information, advertisements and other messages. Digital Signage systems are used in busy places, such as airports, shopping malls, as well as stations and similar places.

Currently, the market for infrastructure allowing data transmission (both commercial and private) is in a period of great changes that result not only from the aforementioned, larger amount of information to be sent, but also the customer's sensitivity to the costs and quality of services offered. Not without significance is also the rapidly growing wireless form of data transfer - LTE - which is closely related to the growing number of mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Infrastructure implementing companies are not afraid of this, but they have some dilemmas.

- I think that from the point of view of services that are provided, innovation is something absolutely natural - says Przemysław Kurczewski, CEO of EmiTel. - The Internet attracts innovation and I'm not afraid of that. Users of the network are even accused of suggestions and the question of choice is which services they will use. Another issue is the propensity of customers to pay for these services, and separate ensuring the appropriate quality, so that every customer using them is satisfied. This is a great investment dilemma.

The president revealed that Alinda is primarily interested in investing in telecommunications infrastructure, which will help increase EmiTel's field of activity on the Polish market and improve cooperation with telecommunications operators. Of course, the changes will be implemented gradually. As he adds:

- We have developed a shared vision of EmiTel for the future. Now it is a matter of its implementation. Cooperation is very good.

Alinda Capital Partners is an investment fund belonging to a capital group for which telecommunications is only one of the sectors of activity. Until mid-2011, EmiTel belonged to Telekomunikacja Polska, which sold it for PLN 1.73 billion to Montagu Private Equity. The purchase by Alinda took place after the approval of UOKiK, issued in February 2014.

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